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Checklist for Participating in Scan Data and Engage
Checklist for Participating in Scan Data and Engage

This article outlines each step involved in participating in Scan Data and Engage programs from signup to moving funds into your account

Written by Skupos Support
Updated over a week ago

Topics Covered

Before offers go live

  1. Sign up for Scan Data and Engage

    • Click here to connect with our sales team to purchase Engage.

    • Not sure if your store qualifies for Engage? Click here to see if your store would qualify.

2. Once signed up, enroll in programs

  • Scan Data Programs

    • Click here to learn how to change enrollments to Altria

    • Click here to learn how to change enrollments to RJR

  • Engage Programs

    • Click here to learn how to enroll in non-restricted Skupos offers

    • Click here to learn how to enroll in Altria offers

    • Click here to learn how to enroll in RJR offers

3. Stock up on promoted products  

  • Review the details of each upcoming promotion, including the UPCs of all of the products included in the promotion. 

  • Make sure that these UPCs are well stocked in your location and that your POS is set up with the correct UPCs.

    • Are you missing products or not stocked up for an upcoming offer?

      • Reach out to your merchandising partner to make sure you're ready.

4. Set up discounts in your point-of-sale system

  • Click on your point-of-sale provider, as setting up discounts is different depending on your POS provider.

💡 Tip! Multi-unit discounts are only applicable to retailers who participate in Altria offers and receive Altria’s approval to participate in those offers.

5. Run a test transaction  

  • Grab two eligible UPCs and scan them. 

  • Once the items are in the basket on the point of sale, check the PIN pad. 

  • Click “Engage,” enter in a phone number, and press “Ok.” 

  • If you are running other loyalty programs, you may need to enter an 11 digit phone number (X-XXX-XXX-XXXX) for a discount to trigger. 

  • On your point of sale, click “Tender” or the prompt for payment. 

  • The point of sale should show a message saying “Loyalty Authorization.” 

  • Once the authorization goes through, the point of sale will update the total to include the discount.

6. Verify that the discount was applied 

  • Check the receipt for (1) the proper discount amount on each item and (2) the line at the bottom that says “Discounts Powered by Skupos.” 

A receipt with numbers and numbers

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  • If you see these (2) things, then your test transaction was successful. Congrats!

    • Don’t see these two things?

7. Print & hang signage

  • Click here to learn how to print signage.

  • Where to place signage? In high traffic areas as well as directly next to your pin pad.  

    • When customers are looking to receive discounts, cashiers can point to the step-by-step instructions. 

    • Cashiers can also ask all users to enter phone numbers at the pin pad, to see if the user’s purchase(s) qualify them for discounts. 

8. Link your bank account to your Skupos dashboard

  • Click here to learn how to connect your bank account.

    • Why do you need to do this? Once your store earns monthly reimbursements we’ll need somewhere to send the money.

9. Train your cashiers

  • Click here to learn how to train employees to run a discount at the point of sale and remind customers about the offers.

    • Any time you hire a new employee, have them run through this article so they know how to best support your customers.

10. Go live with programs!

Programs are live

  • For Scan programs, this is when your transactions at your point of sale qualify your store for reimbursements from brands.

  • For Engage programs, this is when your customers can start receiving instant discounts when they purchase product(s) at the register.

11. Check your dashboard weekly

  • This should be done to confirm that your Sync is online.

In the example below, this store is not live in (5) of their stores for scan data or (3) of their stores for scan data. Meaning none of their sites are online.

A screenshot of a computer

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In the example below, this store is live in (21) of their (22) stores for scan data/Engage. Meaning (1) of this retailer’s stores is offline.

A screenshot of a computer

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  • If you have a store or stores that are offline, click on the link for tips on how to get back online, based on how you set up your offers.

    • If you use back-office software, click here

    • If you use NCR, click here

    • If you use Clover, click here

    • If you use Verifone, click here

    • If you use Gilbarco, click here

      • Or reach out to our customer care team here for additional help troubleshooting.

12. See how each of your stores is performing

  • Click here to see how your dashboard can show you the performance of each of your live store(s).

    • Do you think your store is underperforming?

      • Make sure signage is placed in high-traffic areas.

      • Check the Skupos Dashboard programs tab of your dashboard to verify you are enrolled in all eligible loyalty promotions.

      • Confirm you have sufficient distribution and the product(s) are easy for a customer to find.

      • Confirm that your cashier are asking every customer to add there phone number at the register.

      • Set up any available multi-pack/ multi-can discounts.

        • Click here to learn how.

        • If you’re not sure what you’re eligible to offer, check with your tobacco representatives.

13. Confirm that your cashiers are asking every customer to enter their phone number at the point of sale

  • If consumers don’t enter their phone numbers you won’t receive maximum funds and your customers won’t receive discounts

  • Suggested Script?

    • “Please enter your phone number to unlock savings.”

Programs ended

14. Receive monthly payments in your Skupos Dashboard

  • Click here to learn how to move money from your dashboard to your bank account.

Best practices

To keep finding value by partnering with Skupos don't forget to:

  1. Weekly:

    • Log into your Skupos Dashboard and confirm that your Sync is connected.

      • Without Sync connected your store doesn't qualify for payments as we won't receive the data brands require.

  2. Monthly:

    • Make sure your stores are enrolled in new offers (if your store isn't set up for auto-enrollment)

    • That you have the sufficient distribution of products on promotion

    • To remind your cashiers to have customers enter their phone number

Frequently Asked Questions

Any tips on how to use my Skupos Dashboard?

  • Yes!

  • Click here to learn how to use your Skupos Dashboard.

Why Should I Purchase Scan Data?

  • With this solution, Skupos processes your data, enabling tobacco providers to compensate you for it.

  • This means more earnings for your store!

What is a Scan Rebate Program?

  • Scan data programs enable you to receive rebate payments by scanning products you already sell and enable you to offer brand-funded discounts.

    • Examples of these programs include but are not limited to the Altria Digital Trade Program, RMSC Retail Scan Data Program, and ITG Scan Data Reporting Program.

Why does printing signage matter?

  • Signage motivates customers to purchase products that reward themselves.

  • These promotions will also increase the value they find in your store!

Why is there a separate process for setting up offers for tobacco brands?

  • Tobacco organizations have strict regulations they have to follow, so they require a separate process.

What kinds of promotions will I have access to, once I participate in Engage?

  • Click here to learn about each offer type Skupos supports.

What if I want to change my enrollment status?

  • Click here to learn how to review and/or edit your engage enrollment status.

Any tips for how we can increase the amount of money our store earns monthly?

  • Yes!

  • Click here to learn how to earn more in monthly reimbursements.

Any tips for how to get Skupos Sync back online?

  • Click here for additional tips on how to make sure Sync is online.

    • Remember, if Sync is online, your store can receive reimbursements from brands for your scan data and / or promotions.

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