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Running an Engage Transaction – NCR POS

This article outlines how to run an engage transaction with a NCR point of sale system

Updated over a month ago

⛔ Alert: If you have another POS system, please go to that specific help center article.

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Scan the eligible products.

  • The discount will populate after the payment option is selected.

    • Please note: If the UPCs are entered manually, the discount will not be given.

2. Ask the customer to select “Alternate ID” or “Loyalty ID” and then enter their valid phone number

  • The customer will then need to enter a valid phone number

    • Valid phone numbers must have 10 digits (XXX-XXX-XXXX). 

  • The cashier will see “Mobile1” line item of $0.00

3. Cashier selects “Enter” to authorize payment options

4. Verify the discount and finalize the transaction

  • Once the customer has opted in (or out), the discount will appear on the screen

5. Cashier to finalize the transaction as normal

  • Verify that the discount was applied by looking at the bottom of the receipt, where it will read “Discounts Powered by Skupos”

A paper receipt with numbers and a green arrow

Description automatically generated

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I can’t get any discount to work?

  • Ask your manager to try to run a discount.  

    • If they can run a discount, ask your manager to check that all eligible UPCs are in your Pricebook and each eligible UPC is set up with the product code *non fuel*.

  • If it still doesn’t work, please make sure that UPCS aren’t entered manually, the discount will not be given.

Why does it matter how many digits the phone number a customer enters into the pin pad?  

  • If the phone number has too many or too few, the discount won’t run.  

  • Ten digits is the standard for American point-of-sale systems (XXX-XXX-XXXX). 

What is Engage? 

  • Engage is a loyalty program that provides store(s) with offers or discounts on brands.  

What if I have another Point-of-Sale system?

  • You need to go to a different page to learn how to run an Engage transaction.

    • Click here if Verifone is your point-of-sale system

    • Click here if Gilbarco is your point-of-sale system

What if I’m still having issues?

  • If you have followed these steps and are still having issues, please connect with our Support Team.

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