⛔ Alert: If you have another POS system, please go to that specific help center article.
How to run an engage transaction:
⛔ Alert: Make sure that all eligible UPCs are in your Pricebook and each eligible UPC is set up a non-fuel product code (0400 and higher)
Step-by-Step Process
Scan the Engage eligible items
You can also use a sofkey to add items to the basket.
Have the customer select “Loyalty ID” on the pin pad
The customer will then need to enter a 10-digit phone number (i.e. xxx-xxx-xxxx).
If the discount does not appear, you must cancel the transaction and start over.
If your location runs an additional loyalty software program that uses 10 digits, the customer may need to enter an 11-digit phone number to claim the discount.
This can be done by adding a 1 in front of the phone number (i.e. 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx)
3. Verify the Discount and Finalize the Transaction
Once the customer has completed these steps, the basket will show on the pinpad.
💡 Tip! If the customer would like to see the loyalty discount before paying, you must press the “Total” button at the register.
This will apply the discount to the basket and reflect the discounted total on the pin pad.
Complete the transaction by pressing “Cash” or “Credit”
Verify that the discount was applied by looking at the bottom of the receipt, where it will read “Discounts Powered by Skupos”
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Engage?
What is Engage?
Engage is a loyalty program that provides store(s) with offers or discounts on brands.
What if my point of sale system is not listed above?
What if my point of sale system is not listed above?
Unfortunately, we currently only support these (4) POS systems.
However, you can request that we support yours by connecting with our customer care team.
What if I’m still having issues?
What if I’m still having issues?
If you have followed these steps and are still having issues, please connect with our support team.
Why does it matter how many digits of the phone number a customer enters into the pin-pad?
Why does it matter how many digits of the phone number a customer enters into the pin-pad?
If the phone number has too many or too few, the discount won’t run.
Ten digits is the standard for American point-of-sale systems (XXX-XXX-XXXX).