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Account Management
Dashboard, Billing, & Reimbursement
11 articles
How Do I Update My Payment and Billing Information?Make changes to your payment information, view billing history, and download invoices from your Skupos dashboard
Viewing and Transferring Available Reimbursement Payments This article outlines how to view reimbursement amounts in your Skupos dashboard and transfer them to your bank account.
How Do I Make Changes to a Verified ACH Account?This article outlines how to a verified bank account for reimbursement.
Unable to Receive Monthly FundsThis article outlines the common reasons retailers are unable to retrieve payments from their Skupos Dashboard.
How to add a store to your accountThis article outlines how to add a new store to your account
Reviewing the scans and the dollar amounts for each store and programThis article outlines an estimate on how much you should expect to receive in reimbursements.
How to update my store address?This article outlines how to find and update the store addresses in your Skupos dashboard.
Tobacco Rebate StatusesThis article will overview where you can find your Altria & RAI Reynolds rebate statuses.
How Do I Reset My Password?This article outlines two methods to reset the password for your Skupos dashboard.
How Can I Effectively Utilize My Skupos Dashboard?This article outlines how to use your Skupos dashboard to qualify for and receive monthly brand reimbursements.