Please note that as of 1/1/25 PDI will no longer provide support for Clover.
Click here for more information.
Step-by-Step Process
Confirm you have an active internet connection
To check your internet connection: Open a web browser and sign into your account at
Can’t access the website? Please contact your Internet Service Provider for further assistance.
2. Check to see if your store is disconnected
Log into your Skupos Dashboard
If your store is disconnected, you can tell by the numbers to the right.
In the example below 21 of the 22 stores are online.
If any of your sites are offline, keep reading this article.
3. Reboot your Clover device
Reboot your Clover device completely. Power it off, and then back on again.
Why? Sometimes, external factors can interrupt our software - a simple reboot can often bring our software back online.
4. Confirm that your Merchant ID is linked to the correct store
Go to your Skupos dashboard
5. Confirm that your Merchant ID is correct in the Skupos Dashboard
Go to your Skupos dashboard
Then Navigate to Clover and click “Log In” in the top right-hand corner of the page.
Use your Clover username (your email ) and password to log in.
Do not use your Skupos username and password
Go to “More Tools” on the left-hand menu.
In the Search bar in the upper right-hand corner, search for “Skupos,” and open up the search result.
Click “Connect” or “Open App” if you have already installed Skupos before
This should pop up a view for the Skupos Dashboard
If prompted, click “Accept.” This will open up a second page in your browser.
Check to confirm that your Clover & Skupos Dashboard and confirm Merchant IDs match
If the merchant ID doesn’t match the Merchant ID in your Skupos dashboard, you will need to contact Skupos Support.
6. Verify that your store is linked
If the store is already linked, as in the photo below, the “Store Link” button should be grayed out.
How to navigate to “Store Link” within the Skupos dashboard?
Follow the steps in step 5!
What if it isn’t linked?
Click the “Link Store” button, “Connect” and then “Close Window” to link the store.
7. Confirm that you are disconnected from the Clover device
Open the Skupos app on your Clover device.
If the store ID is highlighted in green, the store is verified and connected to your Skupos account.
What if the Skupos app is red?
This means that your Clover device is not properly connected to Skupos and you will need to contact Skupos Support.
⛔ Alert: Only go to the next step if your store ID is in green in your Clover device and if the store is still showing offline in Skupos Dashboard.
8. Then Uninstall the Skupos app within Clover
Uninstalling the Skupos app
Log in to your profile at
Navigate to “More Tools” on the left-hand menu.
In the Search bar in the upper right-hand corner, search for “Skupos,” and open up the search result.
Once on the Skupos App page select the three black dots above the Open” button. From here, select “Uninstall App.”
The “Open App” button will now say “Connect”.
This means that Skupos Sync has now been uninstalled.
9. Now Reinstall the Skupos app within Clover
If you are already on the page where you just uninstalled the app, continue by clicking “Connect” and then "Accept."
10. Confirm Your Store is Online
To confirm that your store is connected, go to your Skupos Dashboard
If your store is back online, you will see that all the stores are online based on the number of stores online.
10. Next Steps
If all your stores are online, Congrats! You are back online.
If some of your stores are offline, please reach out to Skupos Support for additional help with troubleshooting.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do you recommend that retailers use Cloud Sync instead of Desktop Sync?
Why do you recommend that retailers use Cloud Sync instead of Desktop Sync?
Cloud Sync has less downtime and fewer instances of disconnection.
Which leads to retailers making more money.
Can I switch to Cloud Sync?
Can I switch to Cloud Sync?
Yes, free of charge!
If you have Paysafe, Cybera 325, Mako, you qualify!*
*Sunoco sites with Mako and Exxon sites are currently not supported for Cloud
To learn how to kick-start the process simply reach out to our support team
What is the merchant ID?
What is the merchant ID?
A unique identifier for each store.
Are these steps different, depending on your point-of-sale provider?
Are these steps different, depending on your point-of-sale provider?