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FAQ: UPCs and Discounts

This article outlines some of the frequently asked questions we receive about UPCS and discounts.

Updated over a month ago

Topics Covered

Why does it matter if my UPCS are properly set up in my point of sale (POS)?

  • This is an important step to make sure that your files and reimbursements are accurate.

  • Without these properly set up you won’t receive monthly payments from brands.

  • And your customers won’t receive discounts from brands.

How do I make sure my UPCS are properly set up, so I receive my monthly payments?

  • Make sure you are using the standard 12-digit UPCs for your Tobacco products.

  • Check that your UPCs are in the “Product Code” section of the POS instead of the SKU field

  • Ensure that product names and descriptions match the UPC

What is the difference between a UPC and a SKU?


SKU Number


UPC stands for Universal Product Code and is a standard number attached to product

SKU stands for Stock Keeping Unit and is an 8 digit number that retailers assign to products internally


12 Digits

In North America, the most common type and length of a UPC is the UPC-A, 12-digit number

8 Digits

SKU stands for Stock Keeping Unit and is an eight-digit number that retailers assign to products internally

Additional Information

The first 6-10 digits of a number are associated with specific manufacturers

It is not uncommon for UPCs to start with leading zeros


A bar code with blue text

Description automatically generated

Why are UPCS important?

  • Our scan data reports rely on identifying products by their UPC-A, 12-digit numbers.

    • Without these properly set up we can’t provide the information necessary to help you receive your monthly payments.

What happens if my UPC has 11 digits instead of 12?

  • The discount won’t read in your point of sale and your customers won’t receive real-time discounts from brands.

  • Because the proper data won’t be filed to Skupos, we won’t be able to submit data files on behalf of your store(s).

  • This means you won’t receive monthly payments from brands as we won’t be able to give them the data they need.

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