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What Do I Do If a File Is Missing?

Missing file submission

Written by Skupos Support
Updated over a week ago

If you have received an email about a missing file this means that your file for the week was not submitted.

Why Would a File Not be Submitted?

Reason 1: The store became disconnected from the Skupos Sync application and we were not able to pull transaction logs.

  • Since the store was disconnected, your file will remain unsubmitted until we are able to pull the missing data.

Reason 2: Low transaction count prevented your file from being submitted.

What Do I Do Next?

Step 1: Log in to your Skupos Dashboard at

Step 2: Check to see if you are connected to Skupos

  • If your store is disconnected, we are unable to access transaction data and this is the most likely reason you are missing files.

💡 Tip: If you are disconnected from Skupos Sync, check out our article on getting reconnected. If you’ve followed all the steps we outline in the article and are still disconnected, reach out to Skupos Support for further assistance.

Step 3: Check your scan data submissions by clicking “Scan Data” from the top menu.

  • Here you’ll be able to view the Weekly Submission Log. This lists your reports by week and the status of each submission.

  • If your report has been submitted, you will see a green submitted button in the status column. If your report has not been submitted, you will see a red unsubmitted button in the status column.

  • Use the "Select Period" drop-down to view older submissions

💡 Tip: If your store is closed on specific days, make sure you inform Skupos Support to ensure that your files aren’t held back for missing transactions on those days.

Step 4: Submit a request to Skupos Support

  • If your store is connected and a file is still missing, submit a request to have your file submitted by our Skupos Support team through chat.

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