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RAI TMS Retail Scan Data Program Enrollment

RJR scan data enrollment

Written by Skupos Support
Updated over a week ago

Enrolling with RJR for the first time.

Getting Started

Step 1: Reach out to your RJ Reynolds representative

  • Let them know that you are interested in participating in the RAITMS Retail Scan Data program.

  • They will have you fill out a “RAI TMS RSD Enrollment & Data Authorization” form, which they will need to email to MSA.

  • You will need to let them know that you are using Skupos and that Skupos’ preferred file format is: “pipe delimited with headers.”

Alert: Please check your email often during enrollment, as MSA and Skupos will have questions throughout the process. If these emails are not answered, you will not move forward in the enrollment process.

Submitting a Test File

Step 2: MSA will email credentials to you and Skupos in a ”Completed RMSC Enrollment” email.

  • Once Skupos has received credentials, we will submit a test file on your behalf to MSA. We need to send a full week of complete data. It is important to stay connected to Skupos Sync software in order for us to submit a complete file.

Step 3: After MSA receives your test file, they may follow up with questions via email.

  • You must promptly answer these questions to continue through the enrollment process.

  • Please check your MSA portal to ensure the test file has processed successfully.

    • If you find that the test file is processed with errors, you will need to forward that feedback to [email protected].

💡Tip: Make sure to answer MSA's questions to avoid getting stuck in the enrollment process. Ensure that you are connected to Skupos Sync on a consistent basis. If you are disconnected, Skupos will send you a “Sync Disconnected” notification, but we will not be able to submit a file.

Program Acceptance

Step 4: MSA will send a “Certified” email.

  • This is MSA acknowledging that they have received your answers.

Step 5: Forward Skupos the “Certified” email.

  • Skupos will submit four weeks of back data for MSA to review. After reviewing your back data, MSA may send a “Validation Feedback” email with corrections to be made. If they do, we will request you make any necessary changes or we will correct the errors on our end.

Step 6: Once MSA approves your back data submission, they will send an “Account Validated” email.

  • This email means that you are validated in the RAITMS Scan Data program. Skupos will not be copied on this email so you will need to forward it to [email protected] for us to update our records. You can now begin to offer Multi-Unit discounts, if eligible. Please confirm eligibility with your RJ Reynolds representative.

❇️ Success: Congratulations on going live with RJ Reynolds! It’s important to check your email and MSA portal weekly in case MSA encounters any unexpected issues while processing your file. If you do receive an error, you will need to reach out to our support team to share that feedback with Skupos, as we do not have access to it.

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