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How Do I View My Tobacco Scan Rebate Statuses?

Tobacco Scan Rebate Statuses

Written by Skupos Support
Updated over a week ago

To view your Altria and RJR Scan Rebate Statuses, you will need to log in to your Skupos Dashboard.

Where to Look on the Dashboard for your Altria Status

Step 1: Log into the dashboard

  • Click on "Scan Data" from the menu bar at the top of the screen.

Step 2: Select the account that you want to view from the drop-down on the right.

  • These accounts are organized by your Altria account number(s).

Step 3: Look on the left under "Basic Scan Data Program" for your status

  • Your status will be either Live or Enrolling.

❗ Alert: If your status does not match what your Altria rep has told you, please contact our support team.

Where to Look on the Dashboard for your RJR Status

Step 1: Log into the dashboard

  • Click on "Manage" from the menu bar at the top of the screen.

Step 2: Click on the filter for RJR-MSA and select the RJR Scan Rebate card.

Note: At this time, only validated stores are able to see the RJR Scan Rebate card as you do need to be validated to offer scan rebate deals with RJR.

Step 3: Look in the middle under "Enrollment Status" to see your current status.

  • Your status will be Testing, Certified, or Validated. Check the Action List on the right side to make sure you're on track.

❗ Alert: If your status does not match what MSA/RJR has told you, please contact our support team.

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